PrayerCenter - View Prayer Listing

Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of the Christian. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7

Father, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

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Prayer Topic:

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An anonymous requester
 CoronavirusView PDF Print Send Email
Pray for the world as we navigate through the virus and heal those who are sick and keep us safe.

Viewed (708)03-18-2020 - 01:43:59 AM
Prayer Topic:

Submitted by:
An anonymous requester
 AlphaView PDF Print Send Email
"Pray for our post-Alpha Bible studies, that the people God wants to participate will come and gr ..."  Read more

Viewed (715)03-18-2020 - 01:42:42 AM
Prayer Topic:

Submitted by:
An anonymous requester
 Youth PastorView PDF Print Send Email
Pray that the team searching for the Youth Pastor will find the one God wants for our church.

Viewed (641)03-18-2020 - 01:41:07 AM

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